In This Article
Group Analysis graphs are a useful feature included in the cTalent tab of Caliper Analytics™. They are ideal for visualizing:
Overall trends in scores across a group.
How specific individuals’ particular scores compare against the group.
Distribution Graphs
Composite bars
The grey horizontal bars in the distribution graph represent overall trends in scores across your team. Each bar is centered around the average score for the group. The width of the bar shows how diverse the group is for that score. The narrower the bar, the more similar the group’s results are. The wider the bar, the more diverse the group is on that score.
Example 1: Highly diverse group
This extremely wide bar indicates the group is highly diverse in its scoring for assertiveness. The individual scores displayed show just how different these individuals are.
Example 2: Highly similar group
The narrowness of this bar indicates a highly similar group. This group seems consistently strong for an Analyst role. Note that even for a similar group, many plot points will not fall directly within the grey bar.
Questions to ask of distribution graphs:
On which scores are the grey bars the narrowest? These indicate where the group is most similar. What do these say about the group’s most consistent strengths or challenges?
On which scores are the grey bars the widest? These are areas where team members are most different from each other. What benefits or challenges could these bring to the group’s goals?
Individual overlays
Clicking on one or more people’s names in the list will plot their unique scores on top of the team’s composite bars. These allow you to see the challenges and benefits each person may experience when working with the rest of the team.
Questions to ask of overlays:
Where does each person stand out most dramatically from the group?
Where do they most blend in with the group?
How could these factors impact how the individual collaborates with or participates in the group?
Caution about using overlays and composites to guide selection
If you are looking to compare an individual against your top performers for selection purposes, please do so with care. A common interpretation error is to use the grey composite bar as an “ideal range” against which to compare candidates’ scores. Keep in mind that the team members’ scores need not (and most often do not) fall directly within the grey composite bar. Caliper also advises against using small groups of top performers as a hiring model, as this method can be flawed both scientifically and legally. Caliper can support you with selecting or customizing an appropriate model for success in your unique role.
Pattern graphs
Pattern graphs are stacked bar charts that show what percentage of the group fell in the strong, moderate, and weak range for each competency or behavior. They are ideal for noting overall patterns in terms of common strengths, common weaknesses, or areas where the group is highly diverse.
Examples of noteworthy patterns:
Questions to ask of pattern graphs:
Which bars are mostly green or mostly red? These are areas of common strength or challenge for the group.
Are there any bars split between green and red, with little or no yellow? These may be polarizing factors for your group.
Look closely at the representative behaviors for each competency. Watch for “pockets” of strength or challenge within the competency. In the competency below, the group is predominantly strong at ______, but they may still have room to grow when it comes to _____.