Using cMetrics
In This Article
- Using cMetrics for Screening and Selection
- Saving Your View
- Defining Job-Match Range
- Exporting Data
- Isolating and Comparing Two Individuals
You can use Caliper Analytics' cMetrics for screening job applicants. The cMetrics tab, which is the default tab after clicking Analytics, is most helpful when you are looking for a specific type of assessee to fill a role (e.g., high-potential candidates).
This section shows the use of cMetrics to build a view of assessees with relevant Job Matches, Competencies, and Behaviors. All assessees for whom you are a contact are available for you to filter.
Using cMetrics for Screening and Selection
To use cMetrics for Screening and Selection, follow these steps:
1. Click Analytics from the Banner Menu. The Analytics screen will appear, with a cMetrics tab and a cTalent The cMetrics tab will be selected by default.
Selecting Metrics
1. Click Select Metrics, under Views on the cMetrics The Select Metrics dialog appears, showing lists of Job Matches, Competencies, and Behaviors.
2. Click the caret to the right of Selected Metrics. A list of all selected metrics will appear.
- Each of these lists appears beneath its corresponding tab under Available Metrics.
Note: This list can be updated at any time. Our metrics are calculated in real time and allow us to introduce new job matches, behaviors, and competencies to help your organization achieve its goals.
- To Select Metrics, select the options that appropriately narrow your list.
Note: Caliper does offer custom Validation Studies and Competency Modeling for those times when our standard metrics are not specific enough for your company's needs. Working with your Caliper consultant, you can select specific job matches and behaviors for each of your company's positions.
- Select the Job Matches(i.e., job families) that most closely resemble the position for which you are screening. In this example, we are screening for a Customer Service position. We will select Customer Service Representative since it is the closest fit to Customer Service.
- A white checkmark in a green circle will appear at the left of the Customer Service Representative row.
- Customer Service Representative appears as the first of the Selected Metrics at the top of the screen.
- Select the Competencies A new list of metrics appears.
For the purposes of this example, let's select the following Competencies:
- Active Communication: Active Listening
- Decision Making: Information Seeking
- Interpersonal Dynamics: Interpersonal Sensitivity
3. Select the Behaviors A new list of metrics appears.
For the purposes of this example, let's select the following Behaviors:
- Accountability: Stays on top of, closes issues
- Achievement Motivation and Perseverance: Persists, overcomes obstacles
- Active Listening: Asks questions to gain clarity
4. Once you are satisfied with the metrics you have chosen, click OK. The cMetricstab reappears in the default Grid View of assessee's names, along with your selected metrics that, if exhibited, will help to ensure success in the role of a Customer Service Representative Job Match. The Grid View allows you to see the overall competencies and potential areas of concern for each assessee.
The grid is composed of circles for each area, each colored and numbered based on its potential and percentile score. The red circles represent low potential (1-39); the yellow circles represent moderate potential (40-59); and the green circles represent high potential (60-99). The list represents all those who have completed a Caliper assessment for whom you are a contact. The default sort is by the assessee's last name. To further narrow the list, let's filter the list by Job Title.
Filtering by Job Title
1. Enter the first few letters of the Job Title into the Filter by Job Titlefield to narrow the list of available Job Titles. For this example, we want to filter the list by Customer Service, so we will enter "clie".
We then select Client Services from the Job Titles that appear. By filtering the list by Job Title, the previous group of 7550 assessees has been reduced to 15.
Initially, the columns are sorted in the order the metrics were selected.
Note: You can, however, rearrange the data:
Click and drag the column headers from side to side to change their order.
- For example, if Achievement: Persists, overcomes obstaclesis more important than Decision Making: Information Seeking, click and drag the Achievement column over to the left of Decision Making.
- Click once on any column header to sort the assessees by that metric. One click sorts the names in descending order, from 99 to 1; a second click sorts the names in ascending order, from 1 to 99.
This ability to arrange the assessee display allows you to see the information in the manner most helpful to you.
Saving Your View
To save yourself time in the future, you can save your current view, complete with the specific metrics you have chosen. To save your current view, perform the following steps:
1. Click Save at the top right. The Save View dialog will appear.
2. Enter a name for the view you have created in the first field, and write a short description of the view for future reference in the third field.
3. Click Save. Your saved view will now be available from the Viewsdrop-down menu at the top of the cMetrics screen.
Sharing Your Saved View with a Colleague
To share your saved view with a colleague, perform the following steps:
1. Click the caret to the right of the Select a View or enter search criteria:field at the top of the cMetrics All of your available Views will appear in a drop-down list in alphabetical order. As long as you are still in the same session, the saved view that you just created will be selected by default and highlighted.
2. Click the white pencil in the grey square () to the right of a saved view in the drop-down list to share your view with a colleague.
Important: Clicking the 'X' in the grey circle (
) will delete the associated view. Only do so if you are certain you want to delete this view.
The Share Saved View window will appear.
3. Begin typing the name(s) in the field and select contacts from the drop-down list to select the user(s) with whom you wish to share your view.
Note: You can add multiple users one at a time, but users must have permissions to view Analytics in order to see your saved view.
4. Click Save when you are finished. The Notify New Contacts dialog appears.
5. Click Yes if you would like new contact(s) to be granted permission to access the View and notified by email.
The new contact will receive an email with the subject line, "A Caliper Portal view has been shared with you." The body of the email in this case will read:
Hi Kurt,
Matthew Humora has shared a Caliper Portal cMetrics view with you.
The view name is: Customer Service
Please click here to see the results of this view.
The Caliper Portal Team
Defining Job-Match Range
Users can manually slide the bars at top-right to further define a job-match range, instead of settling on 1-100. We have decided to filter out those whose fit for the Customer Service Representative Job Match falls below the 50th percentile. To do this:
1. Click and drag to slide the low end of a metric toward the right, thereby eliminating the lower range of that metric. In this case, we have raised the bottom end of the Customer Service Representative metric from low (1) to mid-range (50), thereby creating a range of 50-100:
Making that adjustment eliminated 10 of the 15 potential candidates, leaving us with 5:
2. To further sort the list by the Customer Service Representative category, click the header once. The assessees will be reordered with the highest fit at the top.
Exporting Data
You can export these metrics, allowing you to then import these data points into your Applicant Tracking or HRIS systems. To export the metrics:
1. Click Exportin the upper right corner of the chart.
2. From the drop-down, select Export to CSV.
3. Choose a preferred location, change the file name if you wish, and click Save.
Isolating and Comparing Two Individuals
To separate out specific individuals and take a visual perspective, use our Compare feature.
Note: We will compare only two individuals. If we compared three or more, the graphs that follow might become overly confusing and difficult from which to derive meaning.
In this example, let's compare Nevin Balliet. and Donald Murray, Jr., two of our top assessees. To do this:
1. Click the caret to the left of Nevin Balliet’s Select Add to Compare from the drop-down list.
2. Do the same for Donald Murray, Jr. Their names will be added to the previously blank Compare Assessees field, above the metric headers.
3. Click Compare. A radar chart appears, showing the areas where each individual is strongest and weakest, as well as where they overlap.
4. When you have narrowed down your choices to a select few, clickBack. The cMetric tab reappears. Now we want to order reports.
5. Click the caret to the left of the desired assessee (in this case, Nevin Balliet). Select Order Report from the drop-down list. The Order Report screen appears and a report window for the chosen assessee will open. This will allow you to order a specialized report to take a closer look at how the person would fare in this position.