Using cTalent
In This Article
- Saving a New View in cTalent
- Using a Saved Team View in cTalent
- Grid, Group Analysis, and Team Roles Talent Plot
- Displaying Hidden Talents and Training Needs
- Using the Group Analysis View and Overlays
While cMetrics focuses on individual selection, cTalent (also part of Analytics) is best used for development of existing employees and teams.
cTalent allows you to look at patterns within current teams and enables you to build hypothetical groups and create talent plots. These exercises allow you to diversify a group and, using our four-quadrant Team Roles Talent Plot view, to foster a collaborative unit that features people of varying skill sets rather than a group of individuals with similar strengths and weaknesses.
Saving a New View in cTalent
To create a new team or view in cTalent, perform these steps (we will be creating an example view centered around the Job Match Analyst):
1. Click the caret in the second field down in the Select a View or enter search criteria: section (reading, by default, Select One). A drop-down list of Job Matches
2. Select a Job Match by highlighting it in the drop-down and clicking on it. We have selected Analyst, which replaces the phrase Select One.
Note: All Job Matches have their own specified preset Competencies and Behaviors.
3. In the Search for a Tag or Name field, we will search for several assessees to compare.
4. Click Save when complete. The Save View dialog appears.
5. Enter a name for your new view in the New View Name We have entered Analyst Team.
6. For future reference, add a description in the Description
7. Click Save. This view can now be retrieved by selecting Analyst Team from the Views drop-down.
Clearing Search Criteria
Before you can enter a new criteria view, you will need to clear the fields of the existing criteria. To do this you will need to do the following:
- Click the Clear Search Criteria and Results icon () in the upper right of the cTalent All of the fields will clear of their data.
Important: Once deleted, any searched criteria and results not saved as a view are not retrievable, and will have to be reconstructed. If the searched criteria and results are important enough that you might want to use them later, make sure to save them as a view.
Using a Saved Team View in cTalent
Selecting a Saved Team View
The purpose of saving team views is so that you can access them quickly for later reference. To do this:
1. Click the cTalent tab on the Analytics page.
2. Click the caret to the right of the Views A list of views will appear in a drop-down.
3. Select a previously saved team view from the drop-down list (we have selected Educator Team). When a view is selected, the cTalent tab will populate with a list of assessees.
You can select the Show Scores, Show Behaviors, and/or the Show Job Match checkboxes to display their Scores (the numerical values), their Behaviors (the outer rings), and/or the Job Match column(s).
Removing an Assessee from a Team View
To remove an assessee from a saved team view (in this example, we will be removing Stuart Jones), perform these steps:
- Find the name of the assessee you wish to remove. in the Search for a Tag or Name field
- Click the small grey x to the right of that name to remove that person from this team view (We will click the small grey x to the right of Stuart Jones’s name in order to remove their name and data from this view.
Note: You will have to save the view to retain any changes in the view. See Saving a Changed View for detailed instructions.
Note: This only removes an assessee's name and data from a saved view. It will not remove the assessee's name or data from the Caliper database.
Adding an Assessee to a Team View
You can also add a new assessee to a team view using the Search for a Tag or Name field. We will be adding Jay Shapiro to the team view.
1. Begin by typing a portion of the new assessee's name in the Search for a Tag or Name All assessees matching that string will appear in a drop-down.
2. Select the assessee name when you see it appear in the drop-down list. The new assessee's name will be added to the others in the Search for a Tag or Name
Note: You will have to save the view to retain any changes in the view.
Saving a Changed View
You will have to save the view to retain any changes in the view. To do this:
1. Click Save in the upper right to save the view with the added assessee's name. The Save View dialog appears.
2. Select the radio button next to the Views
3. Click the caret at the right of the View A drop-down list of views appears.
4. Select the name of the view you are working with and want to update.
5. Click Save. The Save View dialog will close, and the "View saved as..." message appears above the cTalent tab.
Grid, Group Analysis, and Team Roles Talent Plot
Using the Grid View
What we have seen so far is the default Grid view. This view allows you to see the overall competencies and potential areas of concern for each team at the individual level. This grid breaks down Job Match competencies by color. Each assessee's potential in each area, based on percentile scores, is shown in blue, orange, or green, with blue representing low potential (1-39 percentile), orange representing moderate potential (40-59 percentile), and green representing high potential (60-99 percentile).
Note: This is the default color scheme, and, due to its familiarity, is likely to be the most practical. However, these colors can be changed in Preferences if you wish.
The list represents all those who have completed a Caliper assessment for whom you are a contact. By default, the list sorts by Last name.
This team's strong suits appear to be in Instructing, Learning Agility and Time Management, while they may fall short in Professionalism as the group’s lowest potential score.
We can now anticipate potential issues and proactively manage the team for success by offering developmental support in the weaker areas.
Displaying Hidden Talents and Training Needs
You can use cTalent to select different competency presets for your team and role-play how your talent may react outside of their comfort zone or given job function by changing the competency presets. To do this:
1. In cTalent, select a view from the Select a View or enter search criteria: drop-down. We have selected a sample view titled Senior Leader, showing their saved competency percentiles according to a Senior Leader Job Match.
In the designated Job Match competencies and behaviors of Senior Leader, the Senior Leader team's assessees have almost uniformly high scores.
Note: Five of the selections in the Job Match drop-down are more generalized competency-focused lenses. They are Management, Sales, Service, Technical, and Other. For our example, we will look at the team's potential against the Technical - General competency lens, but the same process would be used to change to another Job Match.
2. Click the caret at the right of the Job Match field—the second field down. A drop-down list of Job Matches appears.
3. Select a new Job Match (or competency lens) to change the competency focus. We have selected Technical - General. The assessees will remain the same, but Technical - General will replace Senior Leader in the Job Match field and the competency and behavioral focus will change accordingly.
This allows you to see if hidden talent within your current employee pool is being underutilized and to pinpoint training areas that could be advantageous.
Using the Group Analysis View and Overlays
Using the Distribution View
Using the Group Analysis view, you can see a team according to its members' current positions within the overall competency landscape. This allows you to compare each individual's aptitude and areas of improvement based on the competencies most important for success in your organization.
Note: To display the Group Analysis, you must select five or more assessees.
To view a team's Group Analysis, perform the following from the cTalent screen.
1. Click Group Analysis (at the top left of the lower grey area, between Grid and Team Roles Talent Plot). The Group Analysis screen appears.
By default, the Group Analysis view displays using the Competencies in Distribution view.
2. Select the Traits radio button to display the view using Traits. The Group Analysis view immediately displays the Traits.
Using the Pattern View
The Pattern view displays in each row a color-coded representation of the general distribution by percentage of your team for any given competency (using the same percentile colors as the Grid view, above).
Note: You have to select at least five assessees for the Pattern view to display.
To display the Pattern view:
1. Select the Pattern radio button, at the top right of the screen. The Pattern view will replace the Distribution view.
By default, the Pattern view displays in each row the general distribution by percentage of your team for any given competency. However, we would like to see how specific team member(s) might be affecting the team.
2. Select the team member that you want to view in the Search for a Tag or Name The Pattern view will be overlaid with color-coded circles representing that team member's percentile rank for each competency. Here we have selected Todd Adair.
Note: You can select more than one team member. The percentile ranks will all display a different color for each selected team member. You can use these results to track and compare staffers' potential.
Using the Team Style Plots
Team Style Plots provide a quick way to see and evaluate work approaches for a person or team. To view a styles plot:
- Navigate to cTalent and create or open a view (a view must contain at least one person and must specify a job model).
- Click the Team Style Plots button.
- Select the style category you would like to view.
This will generate a styles plot for your team like the one below.
Additional tips:
- Click the Show Names checkbox to display or hide names beside each plot point.
- Hover over a name or tag in the assessee list to highlight their plot point.
For help interpreting style plots, see this article.