Job Models
In This Article
What are job models?
Caliper’s approach to job modeling starts with identifying commonalities across jobs with similar tasks and objectives. Partnering industry research with our competency library, we have identified a set of competencies that are key to success for each of over 50 job types. This set of success criteria is called a job model. Individuals who show potential to display a job model’s key competencies are well positioned to excel in any role represented by that model.
Choosing a model
Job models determine not just the competencies highlighted in your reports, but also the job fit scores assigned to candidates. Therefore, alignment between the job model and the success factors of the role is critical. Your Caliper Consultant will help you select the best model for each job title that you submit to us. To support this process, make sure to provide as much detail as possible in the job description field when setting up an assessment.
Job models by category - short descriptions
Caliper’s job models are organized into five main categories. Click each link to view descriptions of our job models by category, or download our full list of job models.
General models
We recommend using one of our validated job models whenever possible. However, in rare scenarios where there is no appropriate job model for the role at hand, general models can be used instead. General models outline key behaviors that tend to provide value in a broad category of roles. The categories available include Sales, Management, Technical, Service, and Other. These categories allow you to view an array of key behaviors, without boiling down to an exact competency model.
As these categories are broad in scope, a precise job-fit score cannot be generated automatically. Therefore, in the case of selection, your Caliper Consultant will discuss these results with you and offer a customized recommendation of fit.